Production Scheduler 生产计划员 - 芬美意香料(张家港)有限公司

发布日期:2020-8-24 截止日期:2020-11-8

  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 招聘部门:本单位
  • 行业类别:其他
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 年龄要求:不限
  • 工作性质:全职
  • 工作经验:3年
  • 提供月薪:5000-6000元
  • 住宿情况:该职位暂不提供住宿
  • 工作地点:苏州张家港市
  • 联系电话:
  • 联系邮箱
  • 联系地址:江苏省张家港市扬子江国际化学工业园港丰公路1328号
  • 单位网址:

Key Responsibilities:

1、 Determining production priorities and ensures the company has the resources to achieve them to keep production processes flowing smoothly;
2、 Detailed scheduling of production according to available machines and production results;
3、 Finding a solution for an ad hoc problem within given constraints from production and QC;
4、 Accountability of RCCP and production parameter improvement, hence to increase service level, to optimize inventory structure and reduce inventory loss;
5、 Checking the inventory regularly to verify that the facility has enough materials and supplies to fulfill incoming orders. Identifies and resolves issues which impact production schedule and client"s demand. Find root cause and take immediate action/systematic action to fix problems;
6、 Collecting data and compiling progress reports to identifies any problem areas and recommends solutions for meeting production goals.

We value:

1、 Bachelor’s degree
2、 Over 5 years similar work experiences in a manufacturing enterprise
Mind set of value creation, process map
3、 Skills and experience in scheduling, CS and inventory management & SAP experience
4、 Ability to work with cross functional departments with professional written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills
5、 Fluent English for both oral and written

We offer:

1、 Industry leader in research and innovation by investing 10% of revenues in research and innovation
2、 Passion for technology in the creation of fragrances and flavors of the future
3、 Creative mindset to inspire our customers and consumers worldwide
Industry awards and Nobel Prize



总部位于瑞士日内瓦的Firmenich公司是一家具有100多年历史的国际化的私营公司,亦是全球最大的从事香精原料研究和生产的公司,无论是技术力量还是销售额均在世界同行业中名列前茅。自1895年公司创建以来,我们坚信高质量、创造和革新是我们生产经营之本。为此,我们每年投入大量资金(每年10%的销售额)用于研究和开发, 其中一项科研成果曾获诺贝尔化学奖。 Firmenich的食用香精覆盖整个食品行业所可能使用和必要使用的各类香精,产品分成三大系列:甜味食品、饮料和咸味食品。目前,芬美意是世界上最大的粉末香精供应商。 Firmenich日化香精部为日用品行业调制多种新型的香精,产品分成四大系列:香水、个人洗护产品、家居洗护产品和单体原料。 详情请参见: 英文官方网站 中文官方网站 每天,遍布全球的芬美意员工怀着对工作的满腔热情,运用他们的专业知识和技能,为独创新意而不懈努力。芬美意为员工提供专业的知识技能培训和个人成长空间。为配合公司业务的不断发展,现诚聘所述人才。 请勿将简历投递至任何转载本公司职位的网站,此类网站多属非法中介。


Warehouse Operator仓库操作员(第三方)QC TechnicianMaintenance Supervisor维修主管Customer Care Officer客户服务专员Production Scheduler 生产计划员Admin Intern 行政实习生QA Intern(QA实习生)Warehouse Coordinator仓库系统操作人员(第三方)Production Specialist-生产专员Maintenance Technician(Mechanical)Production Operator 生产技术员Production Foreman-生产领班



