Maintenance Supervisor维修主管 - 芬美意香料(张家港)有限公司

发布日期:2020-9-2 截止日期:2020-11-25

  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 招聘部门:本单位
  • 行业类别:工程/设备主管
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 年龄要求:不限
  • 工作性质:全职
  • 工作经验:5年
  • 提供月薪:16000元以上
  • 住宿情况:该职位暂不提供住宿
  • 工作地点:苏州张家港市
  • 联系电话:
  • 联系邮箱
  • 联系地址:江苏省张家港市扬子江国际化学工业园港丰公路1328号
  • 单位网址:

Key Responsibilities:

1.Manage local maintenance team to implement maintenance preventive system, reduce B&M, maintenance cost and maintenance KPI performance oriented with continuous improvements;
2.Be responsible for the development of technician in line with company guidelines especially on competencies and skills developing and progressing to an agreed department vision;
3.Support roll out of maintenance strategy, implementation and development;
4.Set and manage the site maintenance activities, including B&M, CMMS, WO, critical equipment management, maintenance plan (PM and Overhaul) implementation and continuous improvement;
5.Work closely with HSE to implement HSE standards and best practice in maintenance;
6.Follow up Firmenich engineering standards and implement processes in maintenance.

We value:

1.At least 5 years equipment, engineering and preventive maintenance management experience;
2.More than 3 years working on similar positions in FMCG or chemical companies;
3.College or above degree in mechanical, electrical, automation related;
4.Be thorough and attentive to details;
5.Strong analytical skills with demonstrated problem solving ability;
6.Be good at English both writing and oral.

We offer:

1.Creative mindset to inspire our customers and consumers worldwide;
Our expertise goes beyond smell and taste: it is the sum of our peoples" 2.passions and knowledge that allows us to create the best solutions for our customers’ products;
3.Competitive base salary, variable compensation plans such as profit sharing (prime) and an enviable set of benefits;
4.Leadership, training and development;
5.Being a privately-owned company we have a history of taking risks, which can lead to innovation and breakthroughs. Our independence gives us the freedom to control our destiny.



总部位于瑞士日内瓦的Firmenich公司是一家具有100多年历史的国际化的私营公司,亦是全球最大的从事香精原料研究和生产的公司,无论是技术力量还是销售额均在世界同行业中名列前茅。自1895年公司创建以来,我们坚信高质量、创造和革新是我们生产经营之本。为此,我们每年投入大量资金(每年10%的销售额)用于研究和开发, 其中一项科研成果曾获诺贝尔化学奖。 Firmenich的食用香精覆盖整个食品行业所可能使用和必要使用的各类香精,产品分成三大系列:甜味食品、饮料和咸味食品。目前,芬美意是世界上最大的粉末香精供应商。 Firmenich日化香精部为日用品行业调制多种新型的香精,产品分成四大系列:香水、个人洗护产品、家居洗护产品和单体原料。 详情请参见: 英文官方网站 中文官方网站 每天,遍布全球的芬美意员工怀着对工作的满腔热情,运用他们的专业知识和技能,为独创新意而不懈努力。芬美意为员工提供专业的知识技能培训和个人成长空间。为配合公司业务的不断发展,现诚聘所述人才。 请勿将简历投递至任何转载本公司职位的网站,此类网站多属非法中介。


Warehouse Operator仓库操作员(第三方)QC TechnicianMaintenance Supervisor维修主管Customer Care Officer客户服务专员Production Scheduler 生产计划员Admin Intern 行政实习生QA Intern(QA实习生)Warehouse Coordinator仓库系统操作人员(第三方)Production Specialist-生产专员Maintenance Technician(Mechanical)Production Operator 生产技术员Production Foreman-生产领班

上一篇:Customer Care Officer客户服务专员-芬美意香料(张家港)有限公司
